Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thoughts on a sermon...

So I visited a new church today with DandeeLyon and as usual the message was timely for me..

It basically was the first several verses of Revalation Chapter 4, where John describes the throne of God in Heaven. The throne represents 2 is God's authority and the other is how the throne represents his almighty nature. A third comparison was made with earthly kingdoms and how thrones have come and gone, but God's is forever.

2 thoughts...

1. Allthough health declines ( as mine has lately), relationships change ( as mine have), jobs end ( as mine has), economies go into recession ( which ours is), God is the same yesterday, today, and tommorow. He does not change...and we can rest on that fact.

2. The word "almighty" is used to describe God while on his throne...and is used 47 times in the old testament and 31 of those times are in the Book of Job. I think this is not a coincidence as Job went through all sorts of calamity...and his faith remained in God. God is faithful...and he can be trusted to deal with these situations. Good for me to hear...and good for me to teach to DandeeLyon as well.

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