So Dandeelyon was sick and was home from school when I realized that we were short on all of the essentials ( ginger ale, salteane crackers, soup, etc) so off we went to the local grocery store.
While walking out to the parking lot we saw the manager ( or at least a dude in a tie) showing some of the bag boys how to properly fold and fly the American Flag.
Perfect teachable moment...
so Dandeelyon stood in as well, helping fold the flag into triangle "just so" and leaning to never never ever ever let the flag touch the ground lest it be destroyed by burning. She started to understand what it means to honor our nations flag? Dandeelyon started to understand that the flag means alot to alot of people for different reasons. Now she loves to stop and stare at it whenever we pass... which has turned a quick trip to the grocery store into, well..a not so quici trip to the grocery store.
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