Monday, September 15, 2008

Hard Work..

6:40 AM 

Dandeelyon has just been beckonded out of bed for some "budderbread" when she looks over and sees the laundry basket full of clothes, her bookbag packed ( complete with snacks) kitchen cleaned,  and coffee made... and she says to me, "Daddy, you are a hard worker huh?" and I respond by saying yes Dandeelyon...

Her reply, "Well, I am glad, because I am a hard player!!"

I concur.. 
Have a good week everyone!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Kindergarden has arrived!


Dandeelyon starts school TOMMOROW!  We are headed out to the Doggie Park in a bit, hitting a cookout and enjoying her last final day before it all starts...  

Here is a little poem that Dandeelyon's Auntee sent via email and it tore my heart out!